How sites changed global environment for nonprofit marketing



Please I need good and quality answers for both part A and B. I want Part in good APA format and good citation
In most parts of the world nonprofit's as we know them are referred to as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). International philanthropy has grown rapidly in the last couple of years and large U.S. foundations such as the Gates Foundation are focused on global issues. Marketing to an international target audience includes challenges of working across different legal systems, languages, cultures, geographic distances and nonexistent or emerging technologies.
The International Context - the greatest threats facing humanity are not confined within national boundaries or single continents.

• Nonprofit sector in the United States remains the largest and philanthropy on a large scale remains predominantly American

• Similar organizations are increasing in number and importance in many nations and on a global basis
Greatest opportunities

• Technological and economic advancement

• Cooperative efforts that engage people, and minds, across the globe

There are U.S. based companies such as comScore. that operate on a global scale and in addition to being socially responsible (energy conservation, recycling and water filtration) also support international nonprofit work. Since 2008 when comScore. started supporting Trees for the Future with their Trees for Knowledge program over 1,000,000 trees were planted in developing countries, providing shade, oxygenation and environmentally sustainable land management.
Organizations such as Changing Our World are working with nonprofit's such as the 4-H on a global scale. A case study from the Changing Our World site:

The 4-H movement in the United States is a direct product of the agricultural extension system. Created through the extension services and land grant universities to encourage new farming practices by focusing on the innovative spirit of rural youth, 4-H began as the youth program in agricultural extension. A century later, the 4-H legacy now includes 6 million youth served each year and more than 60 million alumni. 4-H can be found in every county in every state, as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and over 80 countries around the world. 4-H'ers participate in fun, hands-on learning activities, supported by the latest research of land-grant universities, that are focused on three areas: Science, Engineering and Technology; Healthy Living; and Citizenship. Changing Our World has partnered with the National 4-H Council to design and activate a global resource development plan that will increase the capacity of, and linkages between, 4-H partners around the world and, in so doing, better enable 4-H to realize its mission going forward.

An organization continually looking to serve nonprofit markets for those who want to give and those who need to receive is GiveWell. This nonprofit research's the best projects to fund that will ultimately benefit a global society. I think you will their mission and research both interesting and compelling, with the results being perhaps surprising.

This is an excerpt from the GiveWell blog that I found interesting in its assessment of the global environment for nonprofit work overall:
As mentioned previously, we believe that further economic development, and general human empowerment, is likely to be substantially net positive, and that it is likely to lead to improvement on many dimensions in unexpected ways. This post elaborates on the reasons we hold this view and the implications of it


For the response to this topic I would like you visit all the three independent research sites below. Describe to us in your own words in a brief paragraph or two, how the information from these sites has changed your views on the global environment for nonprofit marketing.

Independent research on Topic 6:

Forbes on Idealist


Johns Hopkins Civil Society Center


I need a reply/response to these discussion board answers. Just read the discussion board answers, and respond to the information you read and also add your own point of view in each discussion board answers. Just three to five Lines response each. Please I need good and quality response to these discussion board answers

Daniel Hopkins

I've learned through this week's reading that NPOs are really trying to make important changes across the globe. My initial thoughts on these organizations were that they chose to be non-profit for the purpose of avoiding tax and fulfilling an unforeseen business opportunity. However, after witnessing the missions of some of these companies, I can see that their reasons could be genuinely for the sake of the mission and less so for compensation. is an NPO with the mission to decrease climate change. After a quick Google search on the issue, their website appeared, though if the same company is searched for on a whole host of useful links show specific missions in localized areas. It is no wonder that over 100,000 NPOs now use - it truly is a wonderful link to all things requiring action. Other localized searches can be made on other companies such as Natural Resources Defense Council and Nature Conservancy.

I think it is critically important that organizations continue to work on battling social and environmental problems. While I might feel that many of these companies exist through opportunity and the luxury of steady business, contributing to an NPO is better business than donating to a for-profit one. This is a reason NPOs operate, as there would be an outcry if it were to be found that donations got mixed up with executive salaries. If more universities like Johns Hopkins can increase the awareness of the ongoing world problems, there will inevitably be more people who can contribute to these NPOs.

Phillip Skaggs

I found the Idealist website to be quite fascinating. I have never heard of it, yet it serves to connect 900,000 NPO's worldwide, through mostly word of mouth it seems. I like the fact that they connect like minded individuals so that an idea, any idea really, can get an audience so at least it can be heard, and hopefully acted upon. I know, personally, I have come up with little ideas that have actually been put in use by someone else. I never acted on any idea, but this concept encourages that.

The Johns Hopkins Civil Society article was informative as well. I did not know they have been the number one recipient of government research money for 35 straight years. Anyway, I downloaded the Non profit jobs report and the data was quite eye opening. One example was that health care jobs make up 57% of all non profit jobs. And non profits in general made up 10.1% of total US employment. I could not access their database though, which is supposed to be customizable

Stephen Reaves

After reviewing the independent websites it's clear that many countries are trying to start nonprofit organizations, but lack some of the resources they would have if they were starting in a more prominent country. This requires many organizations to reach out and use certain resources like for example, Idealist. This resources, like others, allows organizations to connect with one another or people that want to help. Another issue that I think is quite relevant is the need for international relationship building procedures and implementation. In order run a successful nonprofit, one needs to be aware with other nonprofits that have the same goals or offer resources that they can use to accomplish their missions. I think it's almost like a barter system, trading services for other services could help increase efficiency for future endeavors.

One important issue that really influenced some of my thoughts about the global environment for nonprofit marketing was the fact that data collection is essential when it comes to moving forward with certain processes or procedures that nonprofits want to implement. Nonprofits, like any other type of revenue based business, are now focusing on a global scale rather than a national scale. This means that information and data collection is highly important to the success of those nonprofits that choose to operate globally. As mentioned previously, relationships have to be built on facts and a complete understanding on the impact and results of what each side brings to the table.

Adam Taino

I noticed a common theme when I read and looked at this week's independent research sites and that is how nonprofit organizations can be found worldwide. Although, the article on the Forbes website mentioned one thing that I didn't really think about that's probably true. The fact that sometimes we, personally, may have an idea about a good cause or an inclination to do some kind of volunteer work, but we don't believe there is a support system or know-how of where to start, or maybe even we think nobody else would be interested in doing the same thing. But, there may be someone in the world, maybe a neighbor or coworker, who is thinking the same thing about a cause we care about. The word "connected" was used a lot. A connection of networks helps let people know that we may have the same idea as them about doing some kind of non-profit work. Software like and the John's Hopkins Center for Civil Society allows organizations to connect and network sources with people with similar passions from around the world. Looking at the Idealist page, it says that there are almost 120 thousand organizations using their social network. That's a lot of opportunities to help a particular cause that one person may feel passionate about. That's also a lot of people that a person may be able to connect with and team up to work for a cause. Non-profit work is definitely a global movement. There is a very high chance that there are a lot of people in the world that have similar ideas that I have and it's a good opportunity to do the same work in more than one area at a time.

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Marketing Management: How sites changed global environment for nonprofit marketing
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