How significant is the health condition


Choose a health topic that interests you and that you might operate as a health promotional program in the future or as part of this class. Using the Internet, find sources and review the current literature on this topic. Find 5 sources that are relevant to your topic¾the majority (4 sources) should be from peer-reviewed journals.

Some guiding questions to help your Internet search:

a) How significant is this health condition?

b) What causes this condition?

c) What is this health condition linked to (genetic, behavior, or environment)?

d) Who is more affected by this health issue?

e) What is currently being done to address this condition nationally, statewide, and locally?

f) What health education programs are being done with the health condition topic?

g) In what innovative ways are researchers addressing your health issues?

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: How significant is the health condition
Reference No:- TGS03169092

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