
How should the social class structure affect the planning

Question: 1. How should the social class structure affect the planning of a new restaurant in a large city? How might the four Ps be adjusted?

2. What social class would you associate with each of the following phrases or items?

a. A gun rack in a pickup truck.

b. The National Enquirer.

c. New Yorker magazine.

d. Working Woman magazine.

e. People watching soap operas.

f. TV golf tournaments.

g. Men who drink beer after dinner.

h. Families who vacation at a Disney theme Park.

i. Families who distrust banks (keep money in socks or mattresses).

j. Owners of pit bulls. In each case, choose one class if you can. If you can't choose one class but rather feel that several classes are equally likely, then so indicate. In those cases where you feel that all classes are equally interested or characterized by a particular item, choose all five classes.

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Marketing Management: How should the social class structure affect the planning
Reference No:- TGS02716487

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