
How should the region address the ecoli problem in this

Since the 1960's when there was uncontrolled waste disposal from seven steel mills operating in the area, water quality int he Hahoning River has imporved significantly due to environmental regulations that require wastewater treatment to effluent from all industries and municipalities, worldwide competitiion from mondern steel mills resulted in the closingof some steel mills here, further improving water quality, in 2005 the river was still one of the five most contaminated rivers in the united states, recent measurements of water quality show that the limits for three physical/chemical parameters for healthy disirable aquatic organisms were only occasionally exceeded, d(disolved oxygen, ph, and temperature). the river still does not meet standards for swimming and wading, however, 2 additional factors, sewer effleuent and toxic sediments in the river, result in a human health advisory for the river from warren, ohio, to the pennsylvania/ohio line, overflows of combined storm and sanitary sewers during wet weather contribute (E COLI) and nutrients and the sediments contain toxic organic chemicals from disposal practices prior to regulation.

A. How should the region address the E.coli problem in this river system?

B. Should the region and the nation expend funds to remove this enviromental hazard, a liability to economic development? explain

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Reference No:- TGS0600519

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