How should the interests of competing groups be balanced


Human Influence on Conservation

Please help with the following questions:

1. What role, if any, do you think people should play in preserving those regions threatened by human encroachment?

2. How should the interests of competing groups be balanced?

3. Example: Drilling in the Arctic?environmental groups oppose the plan on the grounds of the destruction to the habitat; those in favor argue that tapping into the oil there would be good for the economy and decrease reliance on foreign oil.

4. What about when the habitat is not within the U.S. borders? Many international conservation groups are working to save the rainforest? What rights do people have to interfere with how another sovereign nation chooses to manage its lands? If the government of Bolivia is willing to allow millions of acres of jungle to be destroyed to promote the logging industry (which provides employment to their citizens), should people intervene? Why or why not?

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Biology: How should the interests of competing groups be balanced
Reference No:- TGS01910900

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