
How should society deal with delinquent children and

Please write a 200-word minimum explanation of what is in the chapters listed below. Reference the text I will message you privately for how to access the text book.

1. Watch the "The Drugging of Our Children: Inside the ADHD Controversy" video. What are some controversies surrounding medicating children?
Link: https://fod.infobase.com/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=36647

2. How should society deal with delinquent children and adolescents?

3. What are the signs of childhood depression? Why is it often misdiagnosed?

4. Please watch the video in the link below, and write a response about what the video was about as well as your opinion on the subject.
Link: https://search.alexanderstreet.com.contentproxy.phoenix.edu/view/work/1797209

5. Please write an explanation of something you found interesting in Chapter 14.
Please participate (respond) to the classmate's answers with POSITIVE notable and educational input. (200 word minimum Reponses)

1. Trina: What a great video. A lot of controversies does surround medicating a child and rightfully so. The video talks about how children with ADHD are being medicated with not fully being diagnosed the proper way. In this video they talk about the criteria of being diagnosed being a child who plays with hands or feet, one who consistently wiggles or moves in their seat. Along with a child who is behavioral, distracted and not focusing. Some teachers feel that this is the time to have a child medicated, they are not looking at what the child may be going through in their home lives. Teachers are trying to diagnose these children with no medical back ground. The video gave an example of a child who went to be diagnosed for ADHD and come to find out the child had allergies to a certain food, when this allergy was corrected the child then had no problems. At this point if the physician did not rule out everything prior to diagnosing this child would of been put on ADHD medication for symptoms of, when it was only allergies. The video also goes on to talk about the controversy of where was ADHD or ADD when we as adults in our younger time did not see this. We as kids moved around, wiggled around, played with our hands and got up and moved around the classroom. Medicating a child is not the answer unless everything else is ruled out first. The video stated that there are over 100 symptoms of different problems that people relate to ADHD or ADD. Psychotropic medications are a widely accepted means of treatment for ADHD symptoms. Physicians, rather than psychiatrists, are prescribe medication, even when the child has not been officially evaluated or diagnosed by a mental health professional. Utilizing medication to treat the wrong diagnosis can cause serious complications, including a worsening of symptoms, which we heard in the beginning of the video where the young man, went to school and held his third period class hostage.

2. Nichole: The signs of childhood depression are sometimes mistaken for acting out, rebelling, or blamed on adolescence, hormonal changes, or avoiding activities because "they don't want to". However the signs and symptoms are obvious if you look for them, and require immediate attention. The child may show signs of depression by acting out with angry outbursts. Another is showing anxieties that were otherwise not displayed. They may describe having constant pain, possibly due to feeling depressed. Also, a drop or cessation of energy, explaining that they feel tired, or excessive sleep. The display of sadness, helplessness, hopelessness, for long periods of time, and/or most of the day. Another sign is feeling ill, or stating that they don't feel good, sometimes by digestive disorders, stomach aches, etc. Sometimes the signs children demonstrate actions that result in having to be punished when feeling depressed. The inability of concentrating is another sign. Experiencing fun activities, outings, pleasurable moments, and showing excitement may be shown. Problems with sleep, whether not being able to sleep, or constantly sleeping. Manic episodes can be acted out with children with depression, which also may be misdiagnosed as other disorders. Refusing to go to school is another noticeable action, along with difficulty concentrating, and memory loss. Eating changes with serious weight gain or weight loss in a short amount of time may also may be noticed. Finally body language speaks largely with children with depression, such as sulking, or appearing lifeless.

3. Laurie:Adolescence can be a time of both disorientation and discovery. The transitional period can bring up issues of independence and self identity. Many adolescents today have problems and are getting into trouble. After all, there are a lot of pressures for kids to deal with among friends and family, way more than when I was growing up. I can definitely remember a bunch of times where my parents would ask me why I did this and why i did that and the only thing that would come out of my mouth is I dont know and I really did not know why I did those things. There could be a million reasons why but it is hard to know for sure. There are any number of isolated behavior problems that can represent adolescent problems and delinquency-shoplifting, truancy, a fight in school, drug or alcohol ingestion. Sometimes, kids can't easily explain why they act the way they do. They may be just as confused about it as the adults, or they simply see delinquent behaviors as appropriate ways to deal with what they experience. Parents and loved ones may feel scared, angry, frustrated, or hopeless. They may feel guilty and wonder where they went wrong. The only thing society can really do is to try and keep them on the right track and hopefully they will make the right decisions.

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