
How should nick analyse the risk to food safety

Problem: Bonjour restaurant, a well-known French Cuisine Restaurant located at Shah Alam. Nick is a head   chef of Bonjour restaurant, he is responsible to design menu, calculate cost,   providing training to staff and food quality assurance. Last week, Nick had   received a customer complaint on the restaurant social media page, regarding   the customer having a food poisoning after have a meal in the restaurant.   Nick is investigating on the case and finally he found that. Alan, the   saucier of the restaurant was using the left over fresh milk that is opened   for few hours and not under refrigerates to cook the sauce.


1. How should Nick  analyse the risk to food safety from different hazards?

2. What action should  Nick taken on Alan?

3. What training has to  be provide from food safety management?

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Other Management: How should nick analyse the risk to food safety
Reference No:- TGS03228398

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