
How should leaders use power and influence

Answer the following:

Q1: Describe where the sources of power and influence exist in your organization.

Q2: How should leaders use power and influence to drive ethical behavior? Why is this important?

Q3: Explain the major factors that lead to obtaining the benefits of power and influence.

Q4:Describe what one can do to increase one's own share of that power.

Change is defined as the act of instance becoming a different person. Change is usually defined by the way someone is capable of abandoning a certain mode of lifestyle and becoming an entirely different person. In most of our societies today, a lot needs to be done so as to eliminate the kind of notion that people have been living with and hence adopt a new lifestyle in which the activities in the society will be geared towards success. In the real sense, we cannot talk about change without at the same time discussing leadership. Leadership, on the other hand, is defined as the act of leading or giving directions to a group of people or an organization. In leadership, one has to develop some characters that are very crucial in ensuring that there is a success in one’s leadership position, (Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt & Van Engen, 2003).

There are however various factors that determine the success of an individual in the leadership position that there in. The leadership theory determines the leadership positions that one has adopted. Some of the leadership theories include path-goal theory, situational leadership theory, situational leadership theory, multiple linkage theory and the transactional leadership theory. To discuss the change in leadership, I will visit various topics as discussed below, (House, Javidan, Hanges & Dorfman, 2002).

Change is not something instant, and a gradual process which takes place slowly until there is a complete change in the way things are done in the society. Change starts with just one individual who decides to change their thinking model and how they do their things in the society. However, the society perceives the change differently since the fruits, and the outcomes that are associated with the change in the society do not come abruptly. Some people adapt and respond to the change very quickly while the others take the time to perceive these changes. Some other society members, however, do not accept these changes in the society and therefore the change makers find it tough to win all the society members. There are various reasons as to why these differences occur in the society as one tries to bring in the aspect of change. One of the main reason is that there are those who advocate for the old systems of doing things and therefore with their followers, it becomes very hard for them to perceive the change in the society. They affect the resulting change in that they launch an opposition to the existing principles and the views in the society, (Epitropaki & Martin, 2005).

Diversity simply means understanding that each is unique and recognizing the individual differences that are evident in the society. Diversity plays a major role in the people’s response to change in that due to our cultural and background differences; we can view certain aspects in the society very differently. Due to these differences, we are now able to discuss the various ways in which we can perceive changes and adopt to the various models in the society. Therefore, our diversity plays a very major in determining the change models that we adopt in our society, (Epitropaki & Martin, 2005).

As a leader, there are various roles that I am supposed to take or pursue in the change process. One of the major roles that am supposed to pursue as a leader is that I should adopt ways of educating the society on the importance of the changes in the society. This can be achieved through ensuring that one develops all the required characteristics that are essential in the leadership position. These leadership roles include honest, hard work and integrity. As a leader, I should also ensure that I act as the role model in enhancing and facilitating the change process in the society, (Eagly & Johannesen-Schmidt, 2001).

As a leader, there are various ways that I can adopt to show my peers, subordinates that I respect, value and appreciate their diverse perspectives, while at the same time helping them to overcome resistance to change. One of the ways that I can adopt is to ensure that I develop integrity and hard work characters that will enable me to relate well with my subordinates and peers while at the same time helping them overcome resistance to change, (Eagly & Johannesen-Schmidt, 2001).


Eagly, A. H., Johannesen-Schmidt, M. C., & Van Engen, M. L. (2003). Transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership styles: a meta-analysis comparing women and men. Psychological bulletin, 129(4), 569. Epitropaki, O., & Martin, R. (2005). From ideal to real: a longitudinal study of the role of implicit leadership theories on leader-member exchanges and employee outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(4), 659.Eagly, A. H., & Johannesen-Schmidt, M. C. (2001). The leadership styles of women and men. Journal of social issues, 57(4), 781-797. House, R., Javidan, M., Hanges, P., & Dorfman, P. (2002). Understanding cultures and implicit

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