
How should finance crime be punished why does finance crime


Nine years have passed since the onset of what is sometimes called the Great Recession. While the economy has slowly improved, there are still millions of Americans leading lives of quiet desperation: without jobs, without resources, without hope.

Who was to blame? Was it simply a result of negligence, of the kind of inordinate risk-taking commonly called a "bubble," of an imprudent but innocent failure to maintain adequate reserves for a rainy day? Or was it the result, at least in part, of fraudulent practices, of dubious mortgages portrayed as sound risks and packaged into ever more esoteric financial instruments, the fundamental weaknesses of which were intentionally obscured?

In striking contrast with these past prosecutions, not a single high-level executive has been successfully prosecuted in connection with the financial crisis, and given the fact that most of the relevant criminal provisions are governed by a five-year statute of limitations, it appears likely that none will be. It may not be too soon, therefore, to ask why.

I want you to write an essay between 1000-1500 words in length, not to include your abstract, cover page and reference page. If you refer to your Syllabus you will see the assignment opened.

At a minimum, I would like you to address the following questions:

1. Of all the forms of finance crimes discussed, which do you consider the most serious, and why?

2. Are there any forms of finance crime that you do not think should be considered a crime? If so, why?

3. How should finance crime be punished?

4. Why does finance crime represent an especially potent threat to society?

5. What theory would best represent the crime you have chosen and the individuals who perpetrated the crime?

6. Does the individual fit the profile of a white collar criminal?

You may select a particular case study to base your essay off of such as Enron, Bernie Madoff, Marc Dreier, AIG, etc.... Upon completion, submit your work in the assignment area.

Response Guidelines

To achieve a successful experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.

1. Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

2. Length of paper: 1000-1500 words

3. APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA Style and Formatting (6th Edition), (i.e., double-spacing, appropriate citation formats, use of appropriate level of headings, 12-point Times New Roman.).

4. Number of resources: Minimum of 3 resources.

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Macroeconomics: How should finance crime be punished why does finance crime
Reference No:- TGS02232068

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