
How should companies or managers treat their employees what

Thesis Construction (Business Ethics)

Write a five paragraph essay for Business Ethics in which you provide three reasons why the issue is ethically significant. The paragraphs of your essay should conform to the following guidelines:

Paragraph 1:

Provide a brief introduction to the issue. Your introduction must make clear to the reader exactly what issue you are choosing and what you take to be the boundaries of the issue. For example, if you were writing on criminal punishment, you would need to make clear whether you were considering only imprisonment and harsher penalties, or whether you were also considering penalties such as fines for speeding. (Note, you may not write on criminal punishment, this is just an example). The final sentence of your paragraph must be a thesis sentence which lists the three reasons you will put forward in your essay.

Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4:

The first sentence of each paragraph must be a topic sentence that clearly states what reason you will be considering. The remainder of the paragraph should make clear why this is a reason for thinking the issue you have chosen is ethically significant. Each paragraph must contain at least four sentences.

Paragraph 5:

Conclude your essay by very briefly reviewing the three reasons you have discussed and why they show the issue is ethically significant. Your paragraph should contain a paraphrased restatement of your thesis.

Here are some questions that are meant to help inspire your thinking.

Should businesses aim primarily at making as much profit as possible within the law? If not, what aims are of equal or greater importance?

What kinds of practices would an ethical business engage in? What kinds of practices would it avoid?

How should companies or managers treat their employees?

What should one do when working for an employer whose practices appear unethical?

Do employees have obligations beyond simply performing their assigned tasks well?

Do businesses have different moral obligations toward employees of other countries whose labor laws are different than those of their home country?

What obligations, if any, do businesses have toward the communities from which they profit (this might include communities from which they draw resources, labor, and/or customers)?

What are the virtues of a good business owner and/or leader in some particular industry?

What are the virtues of a good employee in some particular industry?

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Business Law and Ethics: How should companies or managers treat their employees what
Reference No:- TGS01104832

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