
How should bp or any other lessee be evaluated following a

Please take the time to read these instructions.

Answer 2 of the following case studies. Each essay answer for each case study must be a minimum of 350 words (double spaced). In other words, between the 2 case studies you will have at least 700 words (350 x 2). You can certainly write more than the minimum. Include the title of the case study at the beginning of each response.

Your actual response is what counts towards the 350-word minimum for each response. Please cite all your information. There are no single right or wrong answers, but it is important to back up your responses with a citation of where you got the information.

The exam must be double spaced, with times new roman 12 font. The exam is to be submitted as oneword document encompassing the two case studies selected and you only have to put the Case number and title as a heading and then your response. The questions posed in the case studies are there to aid you in your response and do not need to be in your exam submission.

Be sure to appropriately cite using APA. Always cite when you use the words, thoughts, or ideas of others. You must work alone. This is not a group exam.

Use the textbook for each answer, and at least one academic source from the Barry library (or any academic library).

Please include a cover page using APA format and a reference page at the end for all your references.

This is an Open Book exam. Call, text, or email me if you have any questions. Once again, your answers need to be backed up by references.

Case Study # 1: BP Federal Contracts

Following the aftermath of the BP oil spill in 2010, the dismantling of the Minerals Management Service, and the charges against BP officials for misconduct-including counts of manslaughter-the U.S. EPA suspended further contracts for drilling.

In late 2012, the EPA temporarily barred BP from oil leases until BP could provide sufficient evidence that the company meets federal business standards.


You work for the EPA and been tasked with reassessing the qualifications for oil leases, based on this event. Provide a strategy for reevaluating these contracts. As you prepare it, consider the following questions to prepare your response:

1. What caused the failure of the lease with BP? How could this failure have been avoided?

2. How should BP or any other lessee be evaluated following a spill? Should the evaluation be based on the severity of the spill? Explain.

3. What, if anything, should be changed about how leases are evaluated prior to signing an agreement? Explain your reasoning.

4. Who will evaluate the contracts? Is an outside audit necessary? Why or why not?

Please cite references for your answers.

Case Study # 2: Cost Projection

Budget allocations are among the most concrete expressions of an organization's priorities, but the budget is a very blunt instrument of influence. It is important to use other management tools in addition to budget to influence an organization's behavior. Sometimes pilot projects can be used to demonstrate the legitimacy of a project by showing that it is cost effective on a smaller scale.

Memo or business plan:

Utilize your agency and as the deputy administrator of the agency, compose a memo or business plan proposing a pilot project to the director.

The pilot project should address a current issue within the agency for which your director may consider it too risky to allocate funds to a large-scale project. Consider the following questions to prepare your response and remember to cite your responses:

1. Explain your pilot project. Why should your pilot project be implemented?

2. Propose a budget for your project. Defend the allocation of resources for that project.

3. What determines or how do you measure the success of the project?

4. What is the potential scale of this project if the pilot goes well? How might this project be brought to scale?

Please cite references for your answers.

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Operation Management: How should bp or any other lessee be evaluated following a
Reference No:- TGS02847375

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