Assignment task:
1. Your first task is to select only 10 of the 16 artifacts you have collected already during this course. These should represent how science has impact in your life.
2. Remember, this last list too is from your personal point of view, so it is important to be clear about how and why you are making your specific choices. You have already recorded reasons in previous activities, but you may have other thoughts to add now after completing all the course units.
3. Remind yourself of the Learning Goal of our course: We are learning how science plays a significant role in our lives.
4. Using the Ranking Tool, give a score from 1-5 to each of your chosen artifacts in each of the four course units or categories - Self, Home, Community and Future. Your score will show how well that artifact represents your learning about the science behind it and how greatly it impacts your life.
5. When you have completed the Ranking Activity, submit it to your teacher