How robotic processing automation will fraud detection

Discussion Post I

Explain how the course resources for the week related to your assignments. Your answer should include the name of a specific resource and a specific assignment.

Each student's posting should be unique!

After reading the various resources this week from the "weekly learning resources accessed here" section, answer the following questions. This exercise is intended to get you to think about the various aspects of fraud detection and deterrence.

o Select one of the readings and provide a summary.
o How did the reading relate to fraud detection and deterrence?
o What did you learn and how will you apply it going forward?

Discussion Post II

Express your opinion regarding how robotic processing automation (RPA) will fraud detection. There is a set of materials titled "RPA Overview" (appears above eReserves) that you should review. You can review the PDF documents first.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Accounting Basics: How robotic processing automation will fraud detection
Reference No:- TGS03064468

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