Assignment task:
Reflections are meant to encourage you to think deeply about the topics you learned throughout a module and link the course material to the real world and your own life experiences.
For these assignments, you should think about the course material critically and...
- Describe how your personal experiences relate to the course material for the module, and/or
- Describe how your experiences influence your views on the topic, and/or
- Describe how the course material will impact you outside of the classroom
Reflections should:
1. Be personal (reflections are subjective, use what you learned in this class and resist the urge to Google!).
2. Be written in a proper academic tone (make sure to proofread!).
3. Be one to two double spaced pages long.
4. Be double spaced and written in Times New Roman point 12 font.
5. Discuss only 1 topic (you should choose only 1 of the optional prompts or topics for your reflection).
Reflections should not:
1. Include a summary of the readings/videos; I want to know what you think about these topics after completing the assigned readings and/or watching the videos.
2. Be too short (I want to know you have really given thought to your reflection, the minimum length is 1 double spaced page in 12 point Times New Roman font without including the prompt, your name, date, etc).
Reflections are submitted via Turnitin. Submission of a reflection containing plagiarized material is an act of academic misconduct and will be handled accordingly.
Pre-Class Reflection OPTIONAL questions:
Below are some questions about this module to get you started, but you may choose to discuss another topic that interests you and is related to the assigned readings/videos for the module. Remember to discuss only 1 topic in your reflection.
- OPTIONAL PROMPT #1: What can be done to help teens better understand the risks of engaging in unsafe sex?
- OPTIONAL PROMPT #2: What do you think are some ways to reduce the prevalence of eating disorders in adolescents?
- OPTIONAL PROMPT #3: Do you think we should encourage all teens to go to college? Why or why not?
- OPTIONAL PROMPT #4: Do you engage in volunteer work? What does it mean to you?
- OPTIONAL PROMPT #5: What are some of the pros and cons of adolescent employment? Did you work during high school? How did working, or not working, during high school influence your experiences as a teen and your development?
- OPTIONAL PROMPT #6: According to research only 1 in 5 teens fits the pattern of adolescent rebellion. Do you think you had a rebellious adolescence? Why do you think society thinks of adolescence as a time of rebellion when most teens don't fit this pattern?
- OPTIONAL PROMPT #7: How might the rewards of social media influence adolescents' behavior? How might individuals' experience of social media and its effects change as they progress into and through adulthood?