Retailing Blackboard Exercise
This exercise involves three separate parts.
If you like to shop, you'll find this experience insightful and fun. If you don't like to shop, it may not be as much fun, but it will still be insightful. We all need to shop at some time, and I think you'll learn a lot when looking at the experience through more critical eyes.
In summary, this is what you are going to do:
Part A: Comparison Shopping
Part B: Retailer Analysis
Part C: Internet Shopping Analysis
PART A: Compare at least seven products among four food retailers on:
1) Variety
2) Assortment
3) Service
4) Price
5) Location
6) Promotion
7) Design and Display
8) Type of Retail Institution
Give as much detail as you can. Please write at least three (3) complete sentences for each of the 4 categories below (a through d) For each retailer identify:
a) the target market the you think the retailer is directing its efforts and why
b) how the retailer strives to satisfy the needs of the target market
c) how the retailer builds a long-term advantage over the competitors.
d) Conclude with how effective you think the retail strategy is for each retailer.