
How responsible are teams for foul ball injuries


Baseball season is winding down in the Fall which raises a question. Who is responsible when a fan is injured by a foul ball? Go to the link below to read about some of the issues that have continued through the 2022 season: Yankees Incident Revives an Old Question: How Responsible Are Teams for Foul Ball Injuries? (The headline of the news, I cannot post the link due to chegg restriction).

When a fan is injured, do the disclaimers on the back of the ticket relieve the team and stadium owners from any liability? How does this apply to other sports such as NASCAR racing, hockey, football, or basketball? When you attend an event, do you assume all the risk of injury? For some fans, an unobstructed view and the chance of catching a foul ball make the risk worth it. For others, safety outweighs the chance of a free baseball. If you were on the jury in one of these cases how would you rule?

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