
How resources and constraints influence decision-making


The issue of whether public employees should be allowed to strike has been a concern of public personnel administration. Do you think all strikes by public employees should be prohibited? Why or why not? If you favor a right to strike, should any limitations be placed on it? What would these be, if any? Why?

"Interactive TV" enables the viewer to send electronic signals instantaneously to the broadcaster. These signals can indicate agreement or disagreement with statements or propositions made on the TV program. Elaborate interactive systems would also enable the viewers to indicate the general level of intensity of their preferences. Some believe that interactive TV is a way of improving government decision making by allowing the public to register its preferences on matters of public policy. Do you think interactive TV would have any utility in improving public administrative decision making? Why or why not?

Students engaged in extracurricular activities may be subject to suspicion less drug testing as part of a reasonable program to reduce drug abuse in public schools. Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, authorized drug tests for athletes, Future Farmers of America, Future Homemakers of America, and members of the Academic Team, band, choir, and pom-pom and cheerleading squads. Assess the desirability of Pottawatomie's policy from the perspective of public administration

Assess the role of leadership in determining appropriate human resources for public administration?

Explain how resources and constraints influence decision-making?

What public policy trend do you consider most significant at the federal, state, and local levels? Why?

If you could change only one limitation on a public administrator's ability to respond to public policy issues, what would it be? Why?

What do you consider a highly effective public administrative response to a problem? Why?

How does performance measurement impacts administrative decisions?

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Operation Management: How resources and constraints influence decision-making
Reference No:- TGS02068967

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