Q1. A Company has decided to redeem its preference shares at a premium of $ 0.25. The preference shares were originally issued at $ 1.15 each.
Prior to the redemption the company’s Balance Sheet showed the following
Ordinary shares of $1.00 1000
8% redeemable preference shares of $1.00 600
Share premium 100
Retained Profit 750
How will the reserves appear in the Balance Sheet after the preference shares. Have been redeemed?
Capital Redemption Reserves Share Premium Retained Profit
000 000 000
A 600 100 nil
B 600 10 90
C 750 nil 100
D 750 10 150
Q2. Y ltd purchases the business of J Brown by issuing $1 shares at a premium Of $0.20. Y ltd agrees to take over J Browns assets and liabilities at the date. Of the acquisition as follows
Fixed assets $150,000
Current assets $ 75000
Creditors $ 5000
Bank loan $20,000
Goodwill is valued at $10,000
How many shares will J Brown receive from Y ltd?
A 158000 B 175000 C 200,000 D 210,000
Q3. The following data is available for XYZ plc
Issued Ordinary shares $1000,000
Nominal value per share $ 1.00
Market value per share $ 2.30
Net profit after taxation $200,000
Retained earnings % of
Net profit after 50
What is the net dividend yield?
A 4.35% B 8.7% C 10% D 20%
Q4. The table shows the capital structure of a company
100,000 Ordinary shares of $ 1 each 100,000
10% debentures 50,000
Reserves 100,000
It increases the debentures by $50,000 and makes a bonus issue of one share for Every two held. It then makes a rights issue of a further 100,000 shares at $ 1.00
How will these transactions affect the Balance sheet?
Gearing reserves bank
A decrease decrease decrease
B Increase decrease decrease
C increase decrease increase
D decrease increase increase
Q5. A Company’s debtors total $27000. There is a collection period of 30 days.
The budget for the coming year provides for an increased turnover of 50% with the relevant collection period being increased to 60 days.
What will the year-end debtors be?
A$ 13500 B 27000 C 40500 D 81000
Q6. The standard time for a job is set at 50 hours. The standard direct labor rate
Is $8.00 per hour? The job was completed in 65 hours at a direct lab our
Cost of $455.
What is the direct lab our rate variance?
A. $55 Adverse B $55 favorable C $65 adverse D $65 favorable
Q7 A project has the following net present values
Discount factor 30% 50%
NPV $52000 -$16000
What is the approximate internal rate of return for the project?
A 35% B 38% C 40% D 45%
Q8 A company’s published profit and loss account fives the following
Operating profit $ 4000
Interest expense 200
Taxation 1150
Preference dividends 300
Ordinary dividends 1200
What is the profit figure to be used in the calculation of earnings per ordinary Share?
A $1150 Million B $2350 million C$ 2650 Million D $ 3800 Million