How real-world situations fit the authors version

Assignment task:

The designated book is called:  THE POWER OF HABIT- by Charles Duhigg

This is a group project that in total report will be 8-12 pages. 

I am needing assistance with answering some of these questions below in a written paper form 2-3 pages max (there is a total of 4 people in our group)

Must have references and this will get checked through the AI checker.

Background and expertise of author

How your book is relevant to Behavioral Management

At least three Behavioral Management topics that were in your chosen book and relate those topics to real world situations. For example - If you read The Fearless Organization, you might relate psychological safety to an Elon Musk or Steve Jobs organization; If you've read Inclusion on Purpose, you might talk about the changing regulations and expectations around diversity.  Each topic must be clearly and thoroughly defined and explained and each example must unquestionably demonstrate the topic.  This is the MOST important topic of your paper. Spend most of your time and effort here.

Discuss how the real-world situations fit (or didn't fit) the author's version of the topics you chose.  So if you chose something around diversity, you might say the author only talked about the positive outcomes of diverse teams, but didn't talk about overcoming the challenges that new, diverse teams experience.  I think skipping the reality of forming/storming/norming is a disservice to new teams because.....This is the SECOND MOST important topic of your paper.  Spent time and effort here, too.

An introduction and conclusion


Appropriate care regarding spelling, grammar and punctuation

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Reference No:- TGS03438947

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