What is the current rate of unemployment (See and indicate the month you are reporting)? How rapidly has GDP grown during the past 3 quarters? (See and state the quarterly growth rate for each of the last three quarters) Is the economic growth high enough to validate the Keynesian view? Explain.
What is the Federal Funds Interest rate? if the Fed wants to use open market operations to lower the federal funds rate, what action should it take?
1.How rapidly has the money supply (M1) grown during the past twelve months? State the rate of growth (use and the most recent release, use the seasonally adjusted figures. Calculate the rate of growth across the year by taking the (new amount of M1- old amount of M1)/old amount of M1). Given the state of the economy, should monetary authorities increase or decrease the growth rate of money? Explain why.
2.Using the most recent available rankings of Economic Freedom available at, indicate five of the world's economies that are the most free. Using textbook information, indicate how income levels and growth rates of freer economies compare with those that are less free.
Has the United States become more or less economically free during the past decade? What impact will this have on the future economic growth of the United States