
How psychiatric illness is mood disorder

Assignment task:

The psychiatric illness is mood disorder that present with grandiose and paranoia.

The medications:

Haldol 5 MG PO Q6H

Vistaril 25 MG PO Q6H

Zyprexa 10 MG PO Nightly

This topic was chosen because of the clinical experience I got at Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital. The first impactful patient I experienced presented like this. It was very interesting and almost relatable.

"I found a patient in the common area who was quietly watching TV and reading a book. I decided to engage with them. This particular patient stood out to me because, upon closer examination, I noticed they were wearing several high-end designer items, such as Tom Ford and Hermes. I thought this connection could help me build a therapeutic relationship.

Unfortunately, this led to a lot of awkward silences during our conversation. I realized I needed to delve deeper, so I asked what had brought them there. They provided a brief but informative answer. I continued to ask open-ended questions, which allowed my patient to express grandiose and tangential responses. This made me feel more comfortable and engaged in the conversation."

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Reference No:- TGS03441815

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