
How poverty is represented in the boyz n the hood film

Assignment Task:

Write a analysis essay (about 1000 words) in which you discuss how poverty is represented in the Boyz n the hood film.  Your essay should have a thought-provoking title, present a clear thesis statement that sets forth an argument, and a well-organized body that includes specific examples from the film. You need to discuss the narrative of the film and the use of specific film techniques. You are also strongly encouraged to refer to one or more of the readings from this  "Working-Poor-in-America-report-Oxfam-America" by Oxfam America or "Americans Want to Believe Jobs Are the Answer to Poverty. They're Not" by Matthew Desmond or "More poor kids in more poor places- children increasingly live where poverty persists" by Marybeth J. Mattingly, Kenneth M. Johnson, & Andrew Schaefer as you analyze the film and support your argument.

Here are some possible issues you could examine in your film. Again, you are not limited to these options.

  • region and poverty (particular challenges of poverty in rural or urban or suburban spaces)
  • race/ethnicity and poverty
  • gender and poverty
  • disability and poverty
  • children/teens and poverty
  • crime and poverty
  • education and poverty
  • violence (domestic violence, generational cycles of violence) and/or abuse (physical, sexual, psychological) and poverty)
  • substance abuse and poverty
  • the role of community/family/friends
  • themes of resilience and survival
  • how the film humanizes poverty and impoverished people
  • how the film perpetuates stereotypes of poverty and/or of certain cultures/subcultures

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Reference No:- TGS03385649

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