
How potential issues in fv/dv


Word Count is 2000 words. Use APA 7 referencing and proper citations please

Submission of a reflective essay (please ensure that you submit a REFLECTIVE ESSAY) summarizing discussions, activities & learning online & in class (including guest speaker if applicable), which must include demonstrating:

  • Your knowledge on the prevalence of family violence in Australia
  • An understanding of the conceptual frameworks for family violence
  • An understanding of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention strategies
  • Your ability to identify impacts of family violence and,
  • Understanding of practical responses in dealing with family violence

Provides accurate and complete explanations of how potential issues in FV/DV can be identified and drawing on most recent scholarly literature

Identifies gaps, issues and complexities around family violence

Reflection and analysis of unit

Summarizes and shows insightful synthesis of personal learning.

Includes thoughts and feelings and reactions

Includes how this learning can be applied in the future

Identifies gaps in personal knowledge and understanding

Use APA 7 referencing and proper citations please. The essay should include a reference list of at least 10 (scholarly) journal articles in addition to any textbook references

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Reference No:- TGS03387469

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