How political philosophy dictate response reflect in policy

Discussion Post: Health & Policy

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:
Think about the COVID-19 pandemic and the role that the government played in addressing public health. How did this differ from other nations? Explore the following articles for more information:

a) "Learning from Taiwan about responding to Covid-19 - and using electronic health records" by Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Cathy Zhang and Aaron Glickman
b) "The Graphic Truth: Two different pandemics - EU vs US".

Respond to the following questions:

a) What role do you feel the government should play in response to a pandemic?
b) How does political philosophy dictate the responses reflected in policy?
c) What role does (did) technology play?

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: How political philosophy dictate response reflect in policy
Reference No:- TGS03191778

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