
How pictures as a visual support accommodation help

Problem: Discuss how using Pictures as a visual support accommodation might help a student with exceptionality (dyslexia) learn the mathematical terms.

The bell has rung and you will be teaching a geometry lesson on types of angles: Obtuse, right and acute angles. You will be interacting with a diverse group of upper elementary students, including 1 student with dyslexia. The student with dyslexia might need visual accommodation.

First, ask the students what they think about when you say you are going to study geometry. Take some time to have a conversation about their responses. Then, introduce your types of angles and check in for understanding from all students.

When you think the students understand what these angles are, praise them for listening and helping each other learn about angles. Tell them their homework is to find these types of angles in their home and neighborhood. Ask if there are any questions, answer them, and then tell the students goodbye.

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Reference No:- TGS03385795

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