
how phosphorus in blood is presentedphosphorus in

How Phosphorus in Blood is presented?

Phosphorus in Blood is Present as:

1.  Inorganic phosphorus in the form of HPO4 or H2PO4

2.  Organic or ester phosphorus such as glycerophosphate, nucleotide phosphate etc.

3.  Lipid phosphorus such as lecithin, cephalin etc.

4.  A small amount of residual phosphorus

Phosphate is absorbed from the jejunum with calcium and is deposited in the skeleton or mobilized from it in a fixed proportion to calcium. It is excreted by kidneys following glomerular filtration and active tubular re-absorption. The latter process is inhibited by PTH which thereby increases phosphate excretion. Serum inorganic phosphorus levels are measured in terms of phosphate ions, for ionised free phosphate does not circulate.

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Biology: how phosphorus in blood is presentedphosphorus in
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