
How personnel behaviors responding to evacuation procedures


Complete the following assignment strictly adhering to the directions and using APA format.

Inspection Checklist of a Facility and Inspection Summary The Unit II Assignment will be completed in two parts:

Part A Inspection Checklist of a Facility and Part B, Inspection Summary. Note: Ensure you read the announcement concerning this assignment prior to conducting the assignment.

Part A: In your jurisdiction, locate an assembly type of occupancy (nightclub, theater, civic center, or other venue where you could have a mixture of a large number of people, alcohol, and/or live music). Conduct a preplan and inspection on your chosen facility utilizing the checklist (see the link below for the checklist).

Any facility will suffice; however, if you do not have access to a facility for your checklist inspection, you may use the below generic plan of a building to complete your checklist. It is strongly recommended that you locate and use a real facility for this assignment. If no facilityis readilyavailable: You may use this facility to conduct the inspection and complete the assignment.

Please utilize Bud's Party Corner facility. It is a Type III, wood frame with stucco or concrete exterior-clad building of ordinary construction that was built in 1949. Bud's Party Corner is the life of town, but it is not without its problems. Bud Partridge is the most recent owner who purchased this facility 10 years ago and illegally remodeled it and changed the interior, the use of the facility, and its classification.

However, you are given permission, without problems from the owner, to inspect the facility. The owner usually works with the local "fire guys," what he calls the old-timers who rebuilt the facility and overlooked a year's worth of violations. A floor plan, along with the fire department pre-plan document with additional information, is included as well as the pictures of the problems in the facility right now.

The dance floor, bar, and stage area were not photographed by the developer for copyright reasons, and you are to determine that there is an illegal use of a surge protector in the bar and kitchen area with a brown, five-foot extension cord as the only fire-code violations. You will refer to the checklist as you complete the Unit VII assignment.

If you find a facility to inspect: During your inspection, look at egress points, capacity, capabilities, etc. Take photographs or complete drawings/sketches of the facility to complete and document in the inspection checklist. Gather appropriate documents from the owner(s) of this facility so you will have the necessary information to complete the checklist. You will need to refer to this checklist as you complete the Unit VII assignment.

You may access a Word document of the recommended inspection checklist here or access the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) website to retrieve the inspection checklist.

Part B: Once you have conducted the inspection and completed the checklist, continue with the rest of this assignment. From the readings in these first two units, a standard theme should be appearing to help guide you in your research on the facility. Distinguish how the exit capacities in this facility can affect evacuations that could result in a major loss of life during a fire event.

Review local fire prevention fire codes in effect for this facility, fire code violations for this facility and exits, and how panic could influence exit discharges in a fire event. Review the information you have gathered and compile, in a Word document, a one to two page summary of notes from the inspection on the facility and the egress ability.

Summarize how personnel behaviors responding to evacuation procedures may result in a large loss of life during a fire incident and how this behavior affects a facility's exit selection. Your summary should address the following. How can the exit capacities affect evacuations? Can the exits result in major loss of life in the event of a fire?

How can the perceived threat and social atmosphere of people affect their exit choice and the exit capacities in that facility? This submission of notes needs to be organized and bulleted in an orderly fashion. Submit both Part A and Part B together as one document in Blackboard, ensuring you identify both Part A and Part B.

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Business Law and Ethics: How personnel behaviors responding to evacuation procedures
Reference No:- TGS02122006

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