
How performance management can save employees from failure

Assiginment: Performance management can make a big difference in capable caring hands.

Problem Scenario

The story began when a woman was transferred from another function into an important HR role. It was not long before complaints were coming in, which set the stage for an unpleasant mid-year performance review. "What is your future plan?" asked her boss, trying to build some perspective on the situation rather than jumping into a series of criticisms. The employee had no answers. "Tell me what you would like to achieve in this job?" her boss persisted. After avoiding a direct answer she eventually blurted out, "Why are you asking me this? I love this job." Then she burst into tears.

Her boss knew there was a problem but could not put his finger on why she was doing so poorly. Neither did he have the time to devote to a lot of coaching. He knew she was motivated and had a good track record in her previous job. Despite the complaints from her internal clients he wanted to give her a chance. The woman was smart and dedicated, but had no relevant experience and no idea how to do the job. It was a serious but fixable problem.

Your Task

Make a report & presentation to convince the audience that how performance management can rescue (save) the employees from failure. Support your point by demonstrating some success stories related to transformation of employee from poor performer to a star.

Topics to be covered in report;

- Problem identification analysis
- Literature review (of atleast 4 research papers) on the performance management.
- How performance management can save employees from failure. Identify some real organizational practices.
- Write at least two success stories of employee transformation from poor to good performer due to performance management.
- Conclusion

Important points to note

- Write a report in a group of 4 students
- Report length should be 6 to 8 pages.
- Font size should be 12 and font style should be Times New Roman
- Presentation time is 5 minutes for each student i.e. 25 minutes in total for a group
- Each student has to put efforts in report preparation.
- After presentation there will be a question/answer session for each group for about 3 to 5 minutes.
- All group members are required to participate, and exert an effort in the project, all will be questioned during the presentations
- Listing of references used is very important whether books, articles, people interviewed or websites...
- Use APA style for reference.
- Presentation slides and reports both have to be proofread.

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HR Management: How performance management can save employees from failure
Reference No:- TGS02561341

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