
How people view or define unethical versus ethical behavior

One of the greatest all-around drivers of globalization is technology. In particular, high-tech innovations such as smart cell phones, the newest tablets and computers plus an expanding array of products utllizing computer technology not only drive productivity but they are environmentally friendly because when they are eventually discarded they don't generate any toxic waste. T/F

If a firm takes a defensive position towards social responsibility, it will do all that it is required to do but not anything else. T/F

Ethics applies to groups or organizations. It is not an individual concept. T/F

What position regarding social responsibility has a firm adopted if it does the bare minimum to deal with environmental or social issues it faces?

a. obstructionist stance

b. defensive stance

c. accommodative stance

d. proactive stance

A foreign country's ethics can be understood by studying that country's laws since laws are exact legal expressions of ethics. T/F

If a person consistently and consciously does things that are clearly outside of the boundaries of what a society considers normal and acceptable behavior, the person's behavior is thought to be

a. illegal

b. unethical

c. ethical

d. wrong but understandable and OK

Recently there has been news coverage of the new iPhone costing consumers around $1,000 US dollars. Which of the following is mostly likely a significant contributor to this price increase?

a. Increases in wages. workplace safety and other conditions implemented by Foxconn in China plants

b. Brain drain at the Apple corporation in Silicon Valley

c. President Trump's pulling out of the TPP

d. Deteriorating relations between the U.S. and China

If a firm takes a defensive position towards social responsibility, it will do all that it is required to do but not anything else. T/F

Companies will generally focus the most attention on satisfying which of the following stakeholders?

A: at general public in the nation’s they serve

B :competitors

C: government

D: customers

Considering Van Tulder and Van der Zwart's model in chapter four, of the following concepts, which best demonstrates a country's cultural values?

A: at the state

B: the market

C: competitors

D: civil society

A firm which attempts to improve the lives of people all around the world in addition to its normal activities designed to generate revenue has taken the approach to social responsibility.

a. proactive

b. revenue defending

c. blending in or accommodative

d. obstructionist

In Germany it is common for major corporations to negotiate with their labor unions. The German government actually oversees these negotiations. T/F ?

How people view or define unethical versus ethical behavior is influenced by their values T/F ?

____ Is the term used to depict the degree to which a firm obeys international, national regionals laws?

A) Fair competition

B) Legal compaince

C) International business respect

D) Ethitical compliance

In some nations, it is legimate for companies to hire people not based on their ability to perform the job, but rather on gender, age and enthincity T/F ?

How people view or define unethical versus ethical behavior is influnced by their values. T/F?

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