How particular feature of hebrew poetry functions

Problem: Identify the five books of the Psalter and write down the range of psalms that make up each "book." For example, Book One: Psalms 1-41. See Longman, p. 92 for help. Next, read the first and last psalm of each book and label it according to the psalm "types" that Longman gives you on pp. 97-100. For example, since he provides it for you, Psalm 1 (the first psalm of Book One) is a Wisdom Psalm. What type of psalm do you think Psalm 41 (the last psalm of Book One) is? Psalm 42 (first psalm of Book Two) and so forth. Give a rationale explanation for why you labeled each particular psalm the way you did. Finally, within each psalm, give an example of how the psalmist uses either parallelism or imagery for each of the ten psalms you are analyzing. To help you with this final step, pay close attention to Longman's definitions of these terms on pages 94-96. See especially his example on page 95 of how Psalm 1:1 uses parallelism to sharpen or intensify the point the poet is trying to make. Since you have ten psalms to analyze, you should provide five examples of parallelism and five examples of imagery. With each example, provide an explanation of how this particular feature of Hebrew poetry functions within the psalm to help us understand the meaning of the psalm.

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