
How parenting styles can have an effect on the adult

Problem: My parents used the authoritative parenting style. I was given rules and reasoning for rules so I could understand why it was important to follow their rules. I was also told what the consequences would be for breaking the rule so I could decide if it was worth it to break a rule or not. My parents explained a punishment and what I did to permit the punishment if I broke a rule. I was also taught to make decisions based on the possible consequences so I learned to think about what would happen depending on the decision I made. This has taught me when to realize if the decision is good or bad so I can make an informed decision and understand the possible consequences.

This parenting style has impacted my life by making me think decisions through and upholding my morals. I was raised to do the right thing because it is the right thing so it impacts what I do when a problem happens.

I think parenting styles can have an effect on the adult you become, but I do not think it is the only thing that determines who you are as an adult. There are a lot of external factors and experiences that shape a person, but parents teach you how to act when things happen. I think people can be equally impacted by other things.

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Reference No:- TGS03221393

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