
How parenthood affect a couple either positively-negatively

Assignment Task:

Parenthood may affect a couple either positively or negatively, but it more often causes a decrease in marital satisfaction (Bogdan, Turliuc, & Candel, 2022). Research suggests that having a child may either strengthen or damage a relationship depending on how the couple manages to handle their new roles as parents. Identity issues occur, responsibilities change, and priorities that once existed are substituted with new modalities. Interestingly enough, gender, age, and relationship length play a major role in parenthood and the couple's marital satisfaction. According to Bogdan et al. (2022), women were more affected by postpartum marital dissatisfaction than men. Likewise, the age of women at which they enter parenthood also affects them differently. Meaning younger women seem to adapt faster to parenthood than older women immediately after childbirth, however, after a year, older women seem to be better suited for parenthood. For both men and women, becoming parents too early into their relationship, especially due to unintended pregnancy, also "represents a high risk of couple dissolution" (Belsky and Rovine, 1990, as cited in Bogdan et al., 2022). Culturally, couples who do not share similar backgrounds, beliefs, and ideals, may struggle further with parenthood in the case of unintended pregnancy.

Agree, disagree, opinions, and sources to compare. The topic will help with the test prompt. Cite sources.

Article: Transition to Parenthood and Marital Satisfaction: A Meta-Analysis

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Reference No:- TGS03327994

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