
How painting-photograph can map to our faith

Problem: Write presentation that explores how a single painting or photograph can map onto the understanding of our faith. By "mapping," we mean viewing one source in light of another. Consider how the study of the humanities informs, enriches, or challenges your understanding of creation, biblical stories, church history, Christian living, or human behavior. Consider texts that directly connect with biblical accounts, such as the Caravaggio's The Calling of St. Matthew (or the many other paintings depicting Matthew) or Rubens's The Feast of Herod. How does viewing one of these paintings in light of related biblical accounts enrich your viewing or how does seeing the image enrich your reading? Additionally, you may consider a text that does not directly correlate with biblical accounts but that can cause you to examine the self in light of biblical ideas.  Presentation (on PowerPoint, Prezi or other presentation software) that presents the following information: 1) Information about your selected text's as a piece of art-3 to five facts. (Who painted or photographed it? What media is it? What are its distinctive artistic features?), 2) Information/research on your text's subject matter from at least one other reputable source-3 to 5 facts. For example

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Reference No:- TGS03304777

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