Assignment task: Pre step to be reviewed before answering the question
Review Sample Literature Review 5 (p. 202-211) in Appendix B of Galvan & Galvan (2017). (Writing Literature Reviews : A Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences)
This is the sample literature review above:
Kosko, K.W. & Miyazaki, Y. (2012). The effect of student discussion frequency on fifth-grade students' mathematics achievement in U.S. schools. The Journal of Experimental Education, 80(2), 173-195.
Actual requirement after the above readings has been done, then the below:
Draft a one-paragraph reflection of how your outline of Kosko & Miyazaki's line of reasoning has changed the way you see your own proposed line of reasoning for your literature review. Consider any of the following questions:
1. Has your outline of Kosko & Miyazaki's line of reasoning led you to change the way you were planning to structure your line of reasoning? If so, what are the changes you are now considering?
2. Has your outline of Kosko & Miyazaki's line of reasoning provided you clarity on any ambiguous feature of the logic of a literature review (e.g., the introduction, the structure of paragraphs / sections, etc.)? If so, describe these.
3. Has your outline of Kosko & Miyazaki's line of reasoning confirmed the soundness of any part of the structure you envisioned for your own review? If so, describe what has been confirmed.