
How organizations in the uk today can reduce staff turnover

Critically evaluate how organizations in the UK today can reduce staff turnover:

You should carefully read the question to make sure they are clear what they are being ask to do

An essay is a structured piece of academic work that requires you to logically and rationally argue the issue that is the subject of the essay.

An essay should be a structured piece of work containing an introduction, the body of the text containing the main arguments, and a conclusion summing up those arguments.

The essay must be fully referenced using the Harvard system and contain a full reference list or bibliography containing all material cited in the essay. Material covered in the sessions related to the topics for the assignment should be used as a starting point. Dont simply restate what was covered in the lecture or what you have read in the literature. Develop an analysis of the key issues using secondary material to support points or to forward the case that you are presenting.

Make a plan with key points outlined before you begin to write the full answer. Ask yourself, does the analysis flow?

Simple statements of opinion or prescriptive assertions are not adequate to the task: you need to back up your arguments with evidence and examples, e.g. from case or survey studies.

The criteria for the assignment are as follows:

Research and apply appropriate material;

Show an understanding of relevant theories and concepts;

Develop reasoned arguments and justified conclusions;

Communicate effectively in terms of accurate written presentation and referencing.

Students often ask how these criteria translate into marks. Assignments are marked in line with the LBS marking criteria. Further guidance on what is expected from a student assignment on this course will be given in the seminars.

The key to a successful piece of academic work is a students ability to demonstrate that s/he understands the topic based on appropriate reading material that the student can then analyse and create into a discussion leading to reasoned conclusions.

Referencing Requirements:

In particular you can usefully look at the following text books from your Module Information Pack:

Beardwell, J. and Claydon, T., (2010), Human Resource Management: A Contemporary Approach, (6th edition), Harlow: Prentice Hall, chapter 5

Bratton, J. and Gold, J., (2012), Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice, (5th edition), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, chapter 6

The other text books in the Module Information Pack will have similar chapters on turnover.

The phrases retention or staff retention may also be useful ones to help your search for material.

There is also material you can read in:

ACAS, (2011), Employee turnover available www.acas.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=1887 (there is an ACAS booklet Managing attendance and employee turnover that you can access through this link)

Armstrong, M., (2012), Armstrongs Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, (12th edition), London: Kogan Page (there are a number of other editions of this material, both hard copy and electronic to which students can refer)

Booth, S and Hamer, K., (2007), Labour turnover in the retail industry in the International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 35:4, pp.289-307 CIPD, (2013), Employee turnover, available www.cipd.co.uk/hr-resources/factsheets/employee-turnover-retention.aspx (access to this document can only be obtained through registering for a free account with CIPD)

Morrell, K., (2005), Towards a typology of nursing turnover: the role of shocks in nurses decision to leave in the Advanced Journal of Nursing, 49:3, 315-322

Morrell, K., Loan-Clarke, J. and Wilkinson, A.J., (2001), Unweaving leaving: the use of models in the management of employee turnover in the International Journal of Management Reviews, 3:3, pp.219-244

Morrell, K., Loan-Clarke, J. and Wilkinson, A.J., (2004), Organisational change and employee turnover in Personnel Review, 33:2, pp.161-173

People Management although the brief snapshots in this magazine are never enough on their own to write a comprehensive essay, using the search facility will give some indication of the problems companies face and how they seek to resolve the issues

Torrington, D, Hall, L. and Taylor, S., (2005), Human Resource Management, (6th edition), Harlow: FT/Prentice Hall, chapter 8 Students are not restricted solely to these sources.

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