
How organization safety program relate to personal needs

Assignment task:

For this assignment you have to create a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 6 slides plus a cover slide and a slide listening your references (eight slides total). All content slides must include detail explanation in the "Notes" section.

The notes section is found at the bottom of each slide and is for the speaker's reference only. (This section is not visible to the audience members in Slide Show Mode).

You are required in all five presentations to use pictures and graphics to illustrate the slides.  You cannot use all word slides. Using all word slides will result in a subtraction of 5 points for each slide that contains only words.

You must use at least two references, including your book.  In-text citations may be used but are not required. Any in-text citations and references (on your reference slide) must be in Proper format.

Make sure that your name is on the cover slide.

Important Note:  For each of the five PPT assignments, you must have at least one slide demonstrating how the topic applies to you the employee and to your employer. This is a critical part of the assignment.  

Topic for PowerPoint Presentation Five:

Utilizing Chapter 13, discuss the areas of employee safety that are most important to you. Does your organization have the same concerns about safety as you do? Why or why not? 

Remember to relate your research findings to either your current employer or a previous one.  How does that organization's safety program relate to your personal needs? How can safety be improved in the organization?

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Other Subject: How organization safety program relate to personal needs
Reference No:- TGS03382878

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