
How opportunity identified an existing business portfolio


Part 1


The final report will outline how the opportunity identified will fit into an existing business's portfolio. The benefit and value generated for the organization must be clearly identified. The report may be no longer than 30 pages, not including appendices, exhibits, background information etc. Reports must be 12 point font with 1.5 line spacing.

1. Executive Summary

a. No more than 1 page

b. Summarize your key recommendations

c. The benefits and costs of accepting the recommendations

d. The impact on the organization overall

2. Opportunity Identification

a. What are you recommending that the organization do

b. What need or problem will your recommendation address

c. What is driving this problem or opportunity

i. Be careful you do not confuse cause and effect

d. What is the impact of not addressing this issue

3. Short Cycle Review

a. Who are the key decision makers

b. What is their primary business model

c. What is their decision making process

d. Why will this solution appeal to them

e. When should they implement your recommendation

f. How will they implement your recommendation

g. Have you managed to contact these people

i. If not, what is your plan to connect with them

4. Organizational Analysis

a. Business and Corporate Level Strategy

b. Core and Distinctive Competencies

c. Sustainable competitive analysis

d. Financial analysis of the company

5. Benefits of Recommendations

a. The benefits must be quantified

i. How much will your recommendations cost

ii. What is the financial benefit of adopting your recommendations

iii. Identify the timing of the costs and benefits

b. Explain the impact on the various stake holders of the organization

i. Which departments or divisions will your recommendation impact

ii. Explain the impact on each of these

iii. You should look at the impact on:

1. Financial results

2. Marketing and customers

3. Operational procedures and,

iv. You might also look at other stake holders

1. Customers

2. Suppliers

3. Shareholders

6. Risk Analysis

a. What are the potential risks of adopting your recommendations

b. Discuss the severity and likelihood of each risk

c. How will you mitigate these

d. Risks of NOT adopting your solution

Part 2 Powerpoint Presentation

Final Presentation

The final step will be the presentation of your project. The presentation should be no more than twenty minutes and reflect "best practices" for high quality business presentations. The presentation should focus on an overview of your paper's topic and area of study, a review of the problem statement/research question and your rationale for this area of study, a review of the arguments and key points in the literature, key findings and learning from the experience, your conclusions, and close with a review of the significant learning you have taken away from the experience.

The oral presentation MUST meet or exceed the following requirements:

·The oral presentation and defense will consist of no more than a twenty minute presentation of your project (or equivalent for online students - ie. Around 10 slides).

·The final paper and presentation should ideally add to the body of knowledge in the topic area in some way.

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Business Management: How opportunity identified an existing business portfolio
Reference No:- TGS01823933

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