
How old is the earth what was the earths original

Origin and Evolution of the Earth's Atmosphere Report Writing Guidelines


Here are some of the main points to think about while you read about when you read about this topic and to discuss when you write your report:

How old is the earth? What was the earth's original atmosphere composed of? What happened to the original atmosphere?

What is our present atmosphere composed of? Where did most of those gases originate?

Where did the oxygen in our present day atmosphere originate? How does atmospheric ozone form? What role did it play in the evolution of our atmosphere?

What are stromatolites and why are (were) they important? Did the banded iron rock like was passed around in class form in the ocean or on land? What about the red beds?

Oxygen in the atmosphere reached its present day concentration about how long ago?

Writing Quality

Here are some things you can do to maximize your chances of earning a high writing quality grade:

Explain the material in your own words - your report should be your understanding and explanation of the material. Avoid generalities, try to include specific details and examples from the reading section.

The separate sections or paragraphs of your paper should blend together into one seamless coherent report. Generally even a one page report should be broken into a few shorter paragraphs. Your report should be nearly free of misspelled words and grammatical errors.

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Source : The earth's original atmosphere and our present day atmosphere

1 page assignment

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Science: How old is the earth what was the earths original
Reference No:- TGS02633321

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