How nutrients should be evaluated in more depth


1. Into which food group(s) of MyPlate (Chapter 2.4) would you place this food item?  (HINT:  look at the ingredient list)

2. Using Appendix C: Dietary Guidelines, does this food item contribute toward these guidelines?  If yes, how?

3. Based on what this food item is, are there some key nutrients that should be evaluated in more depth?  For example: fiber & sugar provisions for a Grain, fat and calcium provision for Dairy, etc.  If yes, what are these nutrients?

4. Using Appendix H: Food and Supplement Labels, does this product meet any of the Nutrient Content Descriptors (Table H2)?  If yes, which nutrient(s) meet which descriptors?

5. Nutrient Density is rated as being low, moderate, or high.  How would you rate this item?  Briefly explain why.

6. Too boost overall nourishment, what would you consume along with this item or as a replacement for this item?

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Reference No:- TGS03369251

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