Wastewater Treatment Technology Report
Resources: University of Phoenix Material: City Council Reports and the City of Kelsey City Council information available through the City of Kelsey Virtual Organizations Portal.
This report must address needed upgrades to the city's wastewater treatment plan to accommodate new industries in the area. The report must include treatment-residuals handling.
• Assume the two industries your team selected for the Learning Team Rationale assignment are moving into Kelsey.
• Write a 500 -word report to the city council describing the wastewater treatment technology your team is proposing for the City of Kelsey. Consider the new industries moving into town.
• Address the following questions in your report:
o How must you modify the treatment system to accommodate the new industries and the projected population growth?
o Which treatment technologies would you choose for a new plant? Why?
o Which treatment technologies could be updated or modified instead of being replaced?
• Format your report consistent with APA guidelines.