How much would be supplied by a competitive market


Suppose the market demand function (expressed in dollars) for a normal product is P = 80 - q, and the marginal cost (in dollars) of producing it is MC = 1q, where P is the price of the product and q is the quantity demanded and/or supplied.

a. How much would be supplied by a competitive market?

b. Compute the consumer surplus and producer surplus. Show that their sum is maximized.

c. Compute the consumer surplus and the producer surplus assuming this same product was supplied by a monopoly.

d. Show that when this market is controlled by a monopoly, producer surplus is larger, consumer surplus is smaller, and the sum of the two surpluse.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Microeconomics: How much would be supplied by a competitive market
Reference No:- TGS02105416

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