
How much water does the world health organization suggest

  • Ultra-Low-Flush Toilets

Ultra-Low-Flush Toilets (ULFTs) use approximately 15,000 gallons LESS water yearly than non-ULFTs. By replacing your toilets, you can save more than $75 per year, per fixture in water and sewage costs.

  • High-Efficiency Urinals

High-Efficiency Urinals (HEU) are urinals that use 0.5 gallons per flush or less - at least one half of the amount of water used to flush the average urinal.

  • High-Efficiency Toilet (HET)

The High-Efficiency Toilet (HET) flushes at 20 percent below a ULFT, equating to 1.28 gallons per flush or less

1. Why were older versions of low-flow showerheads unpopular? How have the new ones improved?

2. Describe the differences between a gas- or oil-fired water heater and an electric water heater.

Gas-Fired Water Heaters

The most convenient and cost-effective choice for most residential and small-scale commercial water heating applications.

Electric Powered Water Heaters

Clean, Convenient and Reliable, but usually more expensive to run than gas water heaters in most residential applications.

3. What are the two types of collectors that solar-powered water heaters use and how do they function?]

There are two types of collectors used in a solar hot water service:

• flat plate collectors (suitable where tank roof mounting is required)
• evacuated tubes (more efficient and great for frost prone areas)

  • Flat plate solar collectors

Flat plate collector's work on copper pipes running through a glass covered collector, often connected to a water storage tank on the roof. The sun heats the copper pipes and the resulting hot water is thermo-siphoned out of storage tank.
Evacuated tube solar collectors

Evacuated tubes use (as the name suggests) consist two glass tubes fused at the top and bottom. The space between the two tubes is evacuated to form a vacuum. A copper pipe (called a heat pipe) running through the centre of the tube meets a common manifold that is then connected to a slow flow circulation pump that pumps water to a storage tank below, thus heating the water during the day.]

4. How much water does the World Health Organization suggest people need to survive? How much water does the U.S. Agency for International Development state that a person needs for a reasonably good quality of life? In the United States, what is the direct per capita daily water use?



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Science: How much water does the world health organization suggest
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