
How much time has passed between act 1 and act 2 how do you

Act 2 - Scene 1

1. How much time has passed between Act 1 and Act 2? How do you know? (Keep watching for evidence.)

2. Why is Ophelia so upset when she enters? What has happened to her? Does Hamlet's appearance (in her telling) as a madman (a distracted lover) come as a surprise after what we last heard him say? Why would he appear in this sort of madness to her? Is there any possibility he really is a distracted lover responding to Ophelia's apparent rejection of him? How well has she obeyed the commands her father gave her in Act 1?

3. What is Polonius' response to what Ophelia tells him? Where are they going?


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English: How much time has passed between act 1 and act 2 how do you
Reference No:- TGS0903250

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