
How much time each day bell tower spends chiming

Stroke tower, bell tower of university of california at santa barbara chimes each hour at ten min before hour(to remind students to get to class ) and also on hour(to rem in students their late). Tower chimes 24 hours a day but utilizes a 12 hour clock (for instance it chimes 12 times at midnight and at noon) each time it chimes it plays the 16 note tune that is broken into 4 parts of four notes each. Evary note lasts one second and there is one second pause at end of each four notes. Additionally when it chimes on hour it also chimes out time. So at 10 o'clock t would chime 10 times more after going through its 16 note tune. when it chimes for the hour the chimes last 1 second and there is one second pause between chimes. There is three second pause between end of 16 note tune and beginning of hour chimes. How much time each day bell tower spends chiming including pauses between chimes?

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Mathematics: How much time each day bell tower spends chiming
Reference No:- TGS0861089

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