
How much symbolic speech be protected under first amendment


Civil Liberties Discussion: How Much Should "Symbolic Speech" Be Protected Under the First Amendment?

In September 2015, news reports described a dispute at Hinds Community College, a large public college in Mississippi. Two students said that they were arrested for allegedly violating the college's rule against having "sagging pants," even though they both claimed that they were wearing belts and complying with the policy. One student claimed that he was pushed into a wall by the officer who handcuffed him. Fellow students were upset by what happened and protested against the arrests of their two classmates. The news reports about this situation raise possible civil liberties issues. Should the manner in which one wears clothing be regarded as protected "symbolic speech" under the First Amendment? As long as students do not violate state laws against public nudity, should officials at a state college have rules that regulate how fully-clothed students wear their clothing? List two reasons for your answers to each of these questions.

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