
How much physical activity should max do on a weekly bases

Case Scenario:

Max is an insurance agent, who works from home and spends most of his days behind the computer. In his free time, he likes to play online games, watch movies and hang out with friends. Now in his early 40s, he is realizing that his sedentary lifestyle is starting to take toll on his health. He has gained quite a few extra pounds over the last decade and just generally feels unwell in his body; his self-esteem is suffering as a result. He often feels tired and run down and not too excited about life in general.

Max decided he needs to make changes and since he didn't quite know where to start, he came to his local community centre, which he knows has a gym and offers some fitness classes. This is how he met you - a new health and wellness resource person at the centre.

After an initial talk and assessment (Max does not suffer form any medical condition that would prevent him from following a fitness program and he feels quite open to trying any activity that would be recommend and available) you decide to prepare a short reference document for him, which he could use to get started.

Answer the following:

1. How much physical activity should Max do on a weekly bases;

2. Types of activities he may do / participate in;

3. Frequency of activities

4. Ways he can incorporate physical activity into his everyday life (apart from physical activity mentioned in the previous points)

5. Other lifestyle changes can he may adapt etc.

6. Resources or tools he may use to help him stay motivated

7. Any other information you consider useful and relevant.

You may use following resources to prepare your guideline document:

Canada's Physical Activity Guide

Physical Activity Pyramid

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Other Subject: How much physical activity should max do on a weekly bases
Reference No:- TGS03283619

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