
How much of a plants mass is typically found underground

Assignment Task:

Q1. How much of a plant's mass is typically found underground?

Q2. How do plants "forage" for food? How is plant "foraging" similar to the way bears forage?

Q3. What did the scientists do to test whether or not the Dodder vine was actively choosing which plant to attach to?

Q4. What did the scientists do to test whether or not the Dodder vine was using smell to find its host?

Q5. What is the name of the toxin that tobacco plants use to poison predators?

Q6. Why do the flowers on tobacco plants change in appearance?

Q7. How do invasive plants affect cattle ranchers in Montana?

Q8. How did plant root growth differ between "sibling" and unrelated plants? Why?

Q9. What benefit do fungi get from growing on Douglas fir trees? What benefit do Douglas fir trees get from allowing fungi to grow on them?

Q10. How did the scientists figure out that trees were sending food to smaller trees in their surrounding area?

Q11. What was your favorite thing that you learned about in this video?

Q12. What is one question or wonder you have about how plants communicate?

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Science: How much of a plants mass is typically found underground
Reference No:- TGS03309033

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