
How much money original employer lost explain how this


Part I (Social Media Monitoring)

We are going to compare two movie actors "Tom Cruise" and "Brad Pitt". We will use only two keywords: "Tom Cruise" and "Brad Pitt" for this comparison. Visit socialmention.com and google.com/trends to run the tools. Answer the following questions based on the results

1. Run the tool in socialmention.com with the two keywords respectively. Paste the first page of the result screen for each actor.

2. Who were mentioned more in social media? Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt? Justify your answer.

3. Who received higher ratio of positive mentions to negative mentions? Justify your answer.

4. Explain the meaning of passion. Compare two actors in terms of passion.

5. With google.com/trends tool, Show two actors' search trends together in one chart since 2004. Copy and paste the first page of the screen here.

6. Compare and explain the two actors' search trend since 2004.

7. Paste a screen shot, which displays the top two provinces in term of search volume for "Tom Cruise" in Canada?
8. Paste a screen shot, which displays the top two states in terms of search volume for "Brad Pitt" in USA?

9. Write your opinion who are more popular considering the results above. Justify your opinion. Please include at least the 3 results of the questions above (Q1 - Q8) in your justification.

Part II (Seal of Approval)

Read an article from the following URL (How Users Perceive Security During the Checkout Flow (Incl. New ‘Trust Seal' Study)): https://baymard.com/blog/perceived-security-of-payment-form

1. List the name of the top four seals, which people trust the most according to the 2016 test resuts.

2. Explain what assurances Norton SSL seal, Google Trusted Store Badge, and TRUSTe Websites Privacy Certification provide respectively. (e.g., an example of answer in case of BBB seal can be that BBB seal assures you that the website has existed at least for one year. Please do research on each seal to find out specific assurances of each seal. By the way, Norton SSL seal is replaced with Symantec Secure Site SSL Certificates)

3. There are three stores, one displays Norton SSL seal, another Google Trusted Store Badge, and the other TRUSTe Privacy Certification. You like to choose a store that has strong fulfillment capability. Which store would be the best in terms of fulfillment? and why?

Part III (Guide to Cyber Security for Small Businesses)

Read the ISAlliance's Common Sense Guide to Cyber Security for Small Businesses (44 pages: The file is available on D2L). Then answer the following questions.

Read case 1 in the guide and answer the following questions.

1) How much money the original employer lost?

2) Explain how this could have been avoided.

Read case 2 in the guide and answer the following questions.

3) If you open an e-mail attachment that contains MyDoom virus, what would happen?

Read case 3 in the guide and answer the following questions.

4) Why did several of the consultant's clients terminate their business relationship?

5) Explain how this could have been avoided.

Read case 4 in the guide and answer the following questions.

6) Explain how each case could have been avoided.

Read case 5 in the guide and answer the following questions.

7) Explain how the security consultant received a kind of threatening reply note from a former employee of a telecommunications-consulting firm.

Read case 6 in the guide and answer the following questions.

8) How could the New Jersey accountant maintain his business when the electronic and physical copies of all his clients' records were lost due to a fire in the building?

Read case 7 in the guide and answer the following questions.

9) Explain why the company lost millions of dollars.

Read case 8 in the guide and answer the following questions.

10) Explain why the company was unable to download the patches that address a virus attack.

Read case 9 in the guide and answer the following questions.

11) Explain why the unsuspecting victims often opt to pay to the extorter.

12) Explain how this could have been prevented.

Read case 10 in the guide and answer the following questions.

13) Explain why the woman was prosecuted.

Read case 11 in the guide and answer the following questions.

14) Explain when the worst damage was done.

Read case 12 in the guide and answer the following questions.

15) Explain what the consultants found in the Albany NY law firm in addition to a variety of vulnerability.

Read the guide and answer the following questions.

16) Explain why anyone would attack a small company if there is no enemy for the company? (Here attack means attacks on Internet and network system.)

17) Which of four practices out of the twelve do you think are most important? Justify your answer


1. The paper should not be longer than nine (9) pages (excluding a cover page, appendix, and references). A traditional essay format is not necessary for this assignment (e.g., No introduction is required. Start with a question number and then write your answers.)

2. All written work should be of professional quality. If you cannot communicate clearly, the quality of your ideas will not be apparent. Written work should be designed for ease of reading.

3. Choose clear fonts in a suitable size, for example - Times New Roman at 12 pt (nothing smaller, please!). Use 1.5 line spacing, with at least 2.5 cm margins at the left, right, top and bottom of the page. Any work that exceeds the specified maximum size will be ignored. Modern word processing software includes tools such as spelling and grammar checkers that can help ensure the quality of your work. Up to 10% of the maximum mark for any assignment may be deducted for errors in spelling and/or grammar.

4. Make sure that the paper is written by your own words and that all the references used need to be explicitly described in the body and at the end of the paper.

Example of citation: (Use the reference format below. APA format is also acceptable)

< In the body of the paper>

The Bootstrapping approach was applied to estimate the significance of the path (Chin 2000; Cook and Luo 2003; Cooper et al. 1995).

Chin, W. W. "Frequently Asked Questions - Partial Least Squares & PLS-Graph," 2000.
https://disc-nt.cba.uh.edu/chin/plsfaq.htm, accessed on September 16, 2003.

Cook, D. P. and Luo, W. "The Role of Third-Party Seals in Building Trust Online," e-Service Journal, (2:3), 2003, pp. 71-84.

Cooper, D. R., Gefen, D. and Emory, C. W. Business Research Methods, 5th ed., IRWIN, U.S.A., 1995.

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Business Management: How much money original employer lost explain how this
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