
How much hundred proof whiskey must the patient be made

How much hundred proof Whiskey must the patient be made to drink in order to reduce the catalytic activity of LADH towards methanol by 95% when a patient X was brought to the Emergency Room for drinking a lethal dose of methanol (100 ml) knowing that methanol is oxidized by liver alcohol dehydrogenate (LADH) to formaldehyde and also that ethanol can be used as competitive inhibitor of LADH. The following information is provided:

Volume of blood in patient X = 40 L

ρ (methanol = ρ(ethanol) = 0.80 g-ml-1

Km of LADH for ethanol = 0.89 x 10-3 M

KI ethanol = km ethanol

Km of LADH for methanol = 0.75 x 10-2 M

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Chemistry: How much hundred proof whiskey must the patient be made
Reference No:- TGS0855318

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