How much human behavior is influenced by nature


One theme that psychologists keep coming back to is determining how much human behavior is influenced by nature (genetics, brain structure, hormones, and evolution) versus nurture (parental influence, peer pressure, culture, learning, and other environmental influences). While this is really an impossible question, since every behavior is ultimately the result of both nature and nurture, sometimes one has more influence than the other. For example, we all have the innate capacity for language, but the specific language you use and especially the accent you speak with is more the result of how you were nurtured and where you were raised. Since Chapter 3 explores more of the "nature" components, I thought this would be a good place to see where students in the class stand: Do you think your personality is more due to "nature," such as genetics or your biochemistry, or more due to "nurture," such as the influences of your family and culture?

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